Saturday, July 09, 2011

women are such losers

Never fear, nature fans, I will be posting more nature photos from my epic 4th of July visit to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden soon. I have lots of photos to review.

In the meantime let us wax nostalgic for those splendorous days before the dread "political correctness" became a plague upon the land.

In this New Yorker cartoon from 1961 we see four women at the golf course and all four have hit their balls into the sand trap. I've never played golf but I know enough about it to know that getting your ball in the sand trap is bad. However, even if I didn't know it, I would have guessed it because virtually the only time women are depicted in a New Yorker cartoon from this period playing golf - or really, any sport - is to demonstrate how incredibly incompetent they are.

Back in January I blogged about the mind-boggling bigotry of so many old tyme New Yorker cartoons. Although as I said, women were treated well compared to Mexican men who are portrayed as pathologically lazy. But still, the blatant hostility towards women whenever they dared to venture into something designated as a manly occupation (science, sports, thinking) and in a famously liberal publication is astounding - even 50 years on.