The quiz gives you a sense of just how illogical Rand was and how much she hated those who did not agree with her "philosophy."
1. When a man inspired by John Galt's endless speech hears a mother tell her child to give away one of his toys, what does he do?
He slaps her so hard he fractures her jaw.
2. When an old guy in the 20th Century Motor Company's company town finds out that the money he wanted for record albums was given to an 8-year-old girl so she could have braces, what does he do?
He punches her in the mouth so hard he knocks out all her teeth - it's clear in context that Rand considers this justified - one clue is that the child is described as ugly - almost all villains in Rand's simple-minded tales are ugly.
3. What is Rand's explanation for the existence of Communism?
Sadism. "And if you ever want to see pure evil, you should have seen the way (Ivy Starnes) eyes glinted when she watched some man who’d talked back to her once and who’d just heard his name on the list of those getting nothing above basic pittance. And when you saw it, you saw the real motive of any person who’s ever preached the slogan: ‘From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.’"
4. Who forced the 20th Century Motor Company to collectivize?
The owners of the 20th Century Motor Company themselves. Because you know, that always happens.
5. When trains from California reach New York City, and they have to dump tons of rotten produce they've been carrying, which river do they dump it in?
In the East River, which is on the other side of Manhattan from where the train line stops - at the Hudson River. This error is made worse by the fact that Rand was living in Manhattan when she wrote this.
6. How do the book's heroes Dagny and Hank convince local officials to allow their train to barrel through towns at dangerously high speeds?
Local officials were "outargued, bribed or threatened, to obtain permits to run a train through town zones at a hundred miles an hour."
7. How does Rand deal with people on a train who hold pro-government opinions - including the children of those people?
She gases them, then blows them up.
8. When all industries in the United States are suffering from railroad failure-induced shortages, and cities are starving, what is the one industry that, inexplicably, manages to function perfectly?
The florist industry: "It was late afternoon when the florist telephoned her. "Our Chicago office sent word that they were unable to deliver the flowers, Mrs. Rearden, because Mr. Rearden is not aboard the Comet." This is how Rand decides to have Mrs. Rearden find out her husband Hank is having an affair with Dagny Taggart.