Sunday, January 26, 2025

The latest orchid report: five flowers plus more...

OK! So now there are five flowers on the one stem, plus another stem where at least three more buds are about to open and I think the old stem from last year, which is still green, is planning to bud too - that would be cool.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Four flowers ~ orchidtacular

Monday, January 06, 2025

Orchid's progress ~ three flowers and a fourth on the way

Saturday, January 04, 2025

Orchid's progress ~ two flowers

There are actually three stems now shooting out of this plant. The one with the two flowers, the one from last year which is still green, but doesn't look like it has any plans to sprout, and a brand new stem which looks like it will have flowers in about a month. Big excitement here at orchid central.

The other stem-like items are aerial roots. Apparently it's perfectly normal for orchids to have them.