I get a kick out of these mid-20th century fashion videos - I find them endearingly goofy.
Item 1: Yeah I got a upside-down basket on my head - you still wish you could be as cool as me!
Item 2: The poor first model has a major wedgie
Item 3: - sweet - one of these women wears a hoodie
Item 4: a truly bizarre Punch & Judy bathing cap fashion show
Item 5: look out fellas - pantaloons!
Item 6: what can I do to be glamorous? But dayam the Glamour Lady is rocking some severe shoulder pads.
Item 7: everybody in leather!
Item 8: fashions are so gay this summer! Congratulations on your big dippy blue hat!
I assume it's actually "dieppe blue" because dippy doesn't quite do it justice.
And all these lovely young models from the past are old now, so old - old or DEAD!
This is why I can't have nice things.