Sunday, January 24, 2010
Sodom & Gomorrah on stage
Once again Jonathan Wallace has asked me to contribute a play for the Where Eagles Dare Playlab that he is curating. This next one is scheduled for the end of February. These plays are all about life in the theater. That's what prompted me to write SODOM... I had actually been kicking around the story idea for a couple of years, but for a full-length play. Nothing says I can't expand on this short play into a full-length though.
I came up with this logo - I was inspired by the artwork for Monty Python's "Life of Brian." I'm working on a web site too. I really don't NEED to put so much graphic work into these Playlab shows - nobody else does - but I enjoy it and I want to keep in practice for when Mergatroyd Productions can afford to do another major production.
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