I took it down long ago but part of it lives on at archive.is, which appears to be a German version of archive.org. I'm sure glad I put it there back in 1998, guess I knew it would come in handy some day.
I kind of feel like Bill and Ted.
More on the predestination paradox vis-a-vis Bill and Ted.
PS - here's the list of bio-psychological constants:
- People need to eat and will generally opt for diets that offer more rather than fewer calories and proteins and other nutrients.
- People cannot be totally inactive, but when confronted with a given task, they prefer to carry it out by expending less rather than more energy.
- People are highly sexed and generally find reinforcing pleasure from sexual intercourse -- more often from heterosexual intercourse.
- People need love and affection in order to feel secure and happy, and other things being equal, they will act to increase the love and affection which others give them.