Friday, October 03, 2014

JULIA & BUDDY nominated for 4 awards from the MITF

Claire Warden (Julia) & Matthew DeCapua (Buddy)
Photo by Linda Jaquez

JULIA & BUDDY which was performed in the Midtown International Theater Festival July 17, 18 19, 27 and August 2 was nominated for four awards today, according to WrightGroupNY Communications:
  • Outstanding Lead Actress in a Full-Length Play - Claire Warden, Julia & Buddy
  • Outstanding Lead Actor in a Full-Length Play - Matthew DeCapua, Julia & Buddy
  • Outstanding Production of a Full-Length Play - Julia & Buddy
  • Outstanding New Script for a Full-Length Play N. G. McClernan Julia & Buddy

Winners will be announced at the 2014 MITF AWARDS and PARTY
Monday, October 27, 2014
The Actor’s Temple 339 W 47th Street, New York City

We won Outstanding Production of a Play