Sunday, January 15, 2017

Siri te parle

I've never used the Siri app on my iPhone before, but I decided that it would be fun to practice French with Siri. I already knew Siri could speak French because Solange (of Solange Te Parle fame) dedicated a Youtube video episode to talking to Siri on her phone. Her Siri has a male voice. Which mine could have too, if I changed the setting.

Anyway, it was an adventure speaking to Siri en francais. Siri has a hard enough time understanding someone who is fluent in French (see the Solange video for details) so she had a really hard time understanding me. I don't remember what I said in this case, but I wasn't trying to call Siri a dummy (Bete) but she took it that way and responded:

("I do my best, Nancy.")

She knows any information stored on the phone, including my birthday.

C'est vrai

Although she has an unpredictable personality. One minute she's a suck-up. I asked her what her favorite song was. 

("I like your music")

And then the next minute she's a smart-ass. I asked her what time it was, not her opinion of the time.

("It's 4:28 AM! Much too early for me...")

But she can find you anything in Wikipedia and even read it aloud for you. Although you have to ask the right question. First I tried "qui est le premier ministre du Canada?" but it's possible I wasn't able to pronounce "premier ministre" well enough for her to understand.