Commodified representation of human loneliness |
And dating is of course one failure after another. I suppose I could find company if I was willing to spend time with men I find unattractive-to-intolerable who want to get into my pants. Turns out I'm not that desperate for companionship yet.
So I hang out with my two cats a lot. I suspect I'm not alone since "crazy cat lady" is now a well-recognized trope. It's hard not to despair - I doubt it gets easier to find friends as you get older. Although I do cling to the notion that you aren't a "crazy" cat lady until you have lots of cats. I think having only two is still under the crazy line.
Meanwhile, it seems loneliness isn't only unpleasant, it's life-threatening.
Philosopher Brendan Myers believes that existential loneliness is the human condition. He's all about "pushing back the boundaries of loneliness a little bit." I became curious about Myers and found his web site.