Truly amazing how complex this is. My off-off Broadway show JULIA AND BUDDY will have the simplest of sets. There will be two basic sets with the two video sequences and the fever dream done in mostly darkness with a spot or two.
While I was looking for an online version of the set I found this nice photo-spread from Ebony of the original production of THE OWL AND THE PUSSYCAT which starred a very young Alan Alda. He looks odd on the cover though - like he's in a silent movie. The other pix are better...
In addition to this virtual pictorial of the entire play, Ebony also did a whole fashion article about Diane Sands. If this play was a flop, well it sure wouldn't be Ebony's fault.
I recently re-read THE OWL AND THE PUSSYCAT out of curiosity, now that I've finally completed JULIA AND BUDDY. There are many differences between the two plays - especially since in my play the woman is more the owl and the man is the pussycat - but there are still a few similarities - primarily two seemingly different people who turn out to have quite a bit in common.
I finally did up the J&B postcard art in Pantone colors. As soon as I figure out where this thing is going up I'll get the postcards printed.