There are three characters on Downton Abbey that I just adore.
Isobel Crawley, Matthew "in-the-money" Crawley's mother, is a wonderful person. Although she's semi-gentry she is forward-thinking and egalitarian and she is doing her best to help prostitutes, up to and including taking a former Downton Abbey maid, who became a prostitute, into her home, even though her uptight snobby maid refused to stay and work with a former prostitute. The snobby Dowager doesn't like Isobel which proves how cool and progressive she is.
Oh boy do I love Doctor Clarkson. He's absolutely adorable, with his Scottish accent and his scientific method - also an egalitarian. No wonder he and Isobel made such a great team together working at the hospital during the Great War. And David Robb is extremely attractive for a man of 65. And I have fond memories of him as Laertes to Derek Jacobi's Hamlet. Maybe I should go back to Edinburgh and see if I can get me a Scotsman.
And the third of my 3 favorite characters...
She was just so perfect - kind yet progressive, just like these other two. She also worked at the hospital. All the characters I loved worked in the hospital - and Thomas, one of the baddies almost turned good under the influence of these angels when he worked at the hospital.
Look at Sybil in this picture wearing her wonderful pre-historic pantsuit, like the awesome radical proto-feminist she was.
Oh noooo! Sybilllll!
Some people may think that Downton Abbey is all girly-girl and white bread, so I got a kick out of watching this guy's take on Season 3 Episode 4 of Downtown Abbey (spoiler alert!)