And by some miracle I was actually able to find, through all the submissions that ignored the stipulation that it should a "two-hander" and all the submissions that ignored the stipulation that should be about love, seven plays that I could actually do readings of without puking.
Completely changing the subject, Krugman has a few choice words about Paul Ryan.
And although I think that Obama's second inauguration speech is beautiful and important, I did enjoy Jon Stewart's bits about it.
"...the first time a president has name-checked a gay bar at his inauguration since Rutherford B. Hayes reminisced about working at The Loaded Musket"and
"by the way, Seneca Falls, Selma and Stonewall aren't just civil rights milestones, they're also what your most annoying liberal friend from college named her cats."Both of these had me ROTFLMAO. Well OK, not really, but I did LOL.