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Voila - la drapeau du Frenchie frenchness! |
"an international organization representing countries and regions where French is the first ("mother") or customary language, where a significant proportion of the population are francophones (French speakers) or where there is a notable affiliation with French culture."
French and Quebecois culture is a political lightening rod still in Canada as you can tell by the second half of this interview of Justin Trudeau. Voices are raised. Unfortunately I still can't translate the video more than about 40% - I have some idea what they are talking about and their general feelings, but the specifics ellude me even with auto-generated French captions and Google Translate. Alors!
The General Secretary of OIDLF was hanging out with Macron recently:
« Avec le Président de la République, nous partageons cette vision commune d’un espace francophone associant stabilité politique et dynamisme économique, dans le respect des valeurs universelles que nous avons en partage » à déclaré Michaëlle Jean à l’issue de la rencontre. « Cela implique de travailler ensemble sur les causes profondes des crises actuelles qui affectent notre communauté comme le reste du monde, en luttant contre la radicalisation et le terrorisme, en soutenant les transitions démocratiques et en construisant un modèle de développement fondé sur l’innovation et le respect de l’environnement ».
I will translate:
We share with the President a vision of political stability and a dynamic economy, in respect of the universal values which we share." said Michaelle Jeane said at the end of the meeting. "We will work together for the important causes and problems that affect our community, as the rest of the world, and fight against radicalization and terrorism, and support transitioning democracies and create a development model for innovation and respect for the environment."
Pas mal.