The bong was for another play of mine, I SEE LONDON, produced in 1998 at the Brick Playhouse in Philadelphia. So considering it's 13 years old I guess it's holding up OK. Not all my non-adaptation plays have scenes of bong-smoking. So far only just LONDON and PALMYRA, NJ.
So I've been slogging through The Hobbit and I do mean slog. I forgot how much of this story involves:
- Bilbo and the dwarves walking for days and days through dark forests, described in detail page after page.
- Bilbo and the dwarves and sometimes Gandalf running around trying to find each other
- Bilbo and/or the dwarves and/or Gandalf waiting around to be rescued
Towards the end of the book they meet up with Smaug the dragon, which should be exciting - I find I don't actually remember the end of the book.
Elves are kind of bad guys in The Hobbit - or at least nothing like the wingless angels they appear to be in the LOTR. Granted the wood-elves Bilbo & company meet haven't been to "Faerie in the West" the elven equivalent of finishing school, but these elves are big on acquiring treasure, and in one scene a couple of them get drunk. You wouldn't catch Galadriel getting drunk - she gets high on immortality.