Olbermann’s guest, the NSA whistleblower, got me to thinking: what other things that we already pretty much understand to be true will be confirmed as fact in the weeks and months ahead? This is the list that I’ve come up with so far. (Spoiler alert: this feels like something that will probably turn into a cartoon in the next week or two, so if you prefer to be surprised there, you might want to skip this one.)
1. The aforementioned spying on journalists. Of course they were spying on journalists. And there was that oddly specific moment where Andrea Mitchell, in the course of interviewing New York Times reporter James Risen about his reporting on the NSA and government wiretapping, asked if he knew anything about the administration spying on Christiane Amanpour — a question the network promptly scrubbed from the transcription.
2. Of course Cheney was running everything, at least for the first term.
3. Of course they made backroom deals with their pals at Halliburton, Enron, etc.
4. Of course they were lying about Iraq from the start.
5. Of course torture was sanctioned at the highest levels.
6. Of course Valerie Plame was deliberately outed in retaliation for Joe Wilson’s op-ed debunking the yellowcake uranium story.
7. Of course male prostitute turned fake journalist Jeff Gannon was having an affair with someone in the White House.
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