You get to do some sight-seeing while you're running around Astoria. The Socrates Sculpture Park usually has something especially interesting to see, and right now they have an interesting sculpture called Queen Mother of Reality which looks like a reclining Buddha to me. I took a picture:
You can walk around inside of it, as the little girl to the right of the woman in the center of the photo demonstrates.
Here we see a free yoga class in the sculpture garden. I've recently begun yoga practice but haven't made it a regular routine yet. I'm still trying to figure out all of the poses, and all the yoga classes I've taken so far seem to assume you know them, and more importantly, how to assume the poses quickly. My daughter recommended this Basic Yoga Workout for Dummies video to me, and it is surprisingly good.
And down the street from the sculpture garden we see the work of a street muralist whose ambition it is, apparently, to be sued by all the entertainment lawyers.