Who are these housewives? I don't personally know any, and I don't know of anybody who describes herself as a "housewife" - except as a euphemism for "unemployed."
And then there are the Housewives of (geographic location) reality shows. I haven't actually seen an episode but my impression is that the housewives in question are basically crass, soulless trophy wives of rich men, and they are very unlikely to perform a task normally associated with being a housewife, since they are wealthy enough to afford domestic servants.
In any case we did the script readings and those scripts were a disappointing batch - even more so than usual. There were really only two half-way decent scripts out of thirty-five submitted. We selected five. Oh well, that's show biz.
This is my favorite picture of the batch I posted on the NYCPlaywrights web site.
Doug Rossi and Renee Cole |