RIP Miss Willow.
I knew she didn't have much longer to live, she had hyperthyroidism and the medicine didn't seem to be working anymore, but the vet told me to give her twice as much and see if that helped.
Her hyperthyroidism made her always want food and she loved to drink from the dripping faucet in the bathroom and she would wake me up to be fed.
She had such regular habits and I was so invested in her well-being in the past year, buying her special foods and baby foods. At the end I had to wipe her face after eating since she stopped grooming.
But still, it was a shock to find her dead under the bed this morning.
She was semi-feral and did not like to be held, but she had the heart of a lion - if there was ever a threatening noise outside the door she would always run *towards* it, growling.
Rest in peace brave little soul.