And while “globalist” may be one of the alt-right’s favorite slurs, Hope Not Hate conclusively shows that the alt-right is itself now a global movement with regular interaction among far-right figures from Scotland to Sweden to Seattle.
And let's not forget Canada, home of The Rebel which has long supported figures of the "alt-light" which the documentary identifies as more mainstream and more dangerous, like Milo Yiannopolous.
One of the comments on the Times article reminds me though that there are extremists on the far left, like Robin DiAngelo who actually agree with the alt-right racists about race. The comment said:
One of the comments on the Times article reminds me though that there are extremists on the far left, like Robin DiAngelo who actually agree with the alt-right racists about race. The comment said:
No matter how much they might wish it so, there is no such thing as a white nation or a white culture. People with white skin come from or have family roots in all sorts of countries and cultures, and the fantasy the alt-light--what next, alt-blight?--concocts is a false one. The real name for them is the alt-wrong, or just the plain old wrong.But the idea that Robin DiAngelo and other extremists keep pushing is exactly what this person is accusing the alt-right of having: the idea that being "white" is a cohesive and distinct culture and identity. This is a reminder that when it comes to an essentialist belief in ethnic identity, people like Robin DiAngelo are on the same side as racists.