Friday, December 22, 2017

What the French think Americans sound like

I mentioned the French TV program Quotidien yesterday.  The show appears to be the French answer to The Daily Show. Quotidien means daily.

I was browsing through the videos on the Quotidien Youtube channel and found one in which Macron is talking to Rihanna in English, and the host of Quotidien, Yann Barthes, had an interesting response at 1:10 in the video below.

So basically, to the French, Americans sound like we're growling. We're growling muppets, based on Barthes' hand gestures. 

Also please note they reference "poudre de perlimpinpin" early on in the video.

Finally, if I'm understanding the references to "porno" correctly, in the section after the Rihanna part, French porno has a lot of cosplay.