Tuesday, December 06, 2011

PA0001254494 - cancelled. Authorship claimed not subject to copyright

Free at last, free at last, TAM LIN is free at last!

Click the image to see a larger, legible version.

After five and a half years, the orders of Judge Lewis Kaplan have been honored: the Copyright Office has cancelled the fraudulent, insubstantial and litigation-based "blocking and choreography" script registration that Edward Einhorn filed, based on my play TAM LIN.

You can read all about it here:

NYTimes: Exit, Pursued by a Lawyer

The Strange Case of Edward Einhorn v. Mergatroyd Productions - the article I wrote for the Dramatists Guild Newsletter

Series of blog posts I wrote in 2011 about the case

The Einhorns - Edward and his lawyer-brother David - tried to use Copyright Office procedure loopholes to avoid the cancellation of this copyright registration, but through the diligent efforts of Ralph Sevush, the Executive Director of the Dramatists Guild, justice has finally prevailed!

And credit must be given to my ex-partner Jonathan Flagg, who spent over a quarter of a million dollars of his own money to fight this lawsuit. All American dramatists owe him thanks.