Tuesday, November 01, 2011
The winner of the NYCPlaywrights October Play of the Month, James McLindon, has the most impressive resume of all the winners yet - dude has had a gazillion productions. Here's his web site. He had to beat out over 70 submissions for the monthly theme which was "the supernatural." I never look at the resumes of playwrights who submit to NYCPlaywrights. But it was clear to me that this play was written by someone who knew what they were doing. And of course I'm a bit partial to Celtic mythology, as apparent by my adaptation of TAM LIN.
I very much enjoy the performances, especially Doug Rossi's leprechaun.
And my producer side was pleased too - I got to use not only Winnie the Pooh from my POOH STORY from Stress and the City show, but I got to use the little figurines I got when creating the JANE EYRE set. I was going to make the set model to scale to these figures and walk through the entire show with my production partner, with the figures of course representing the characters from the play. I ended up using chess pieces instead, which I should have thought of in the first place.
The set ended up being pretty good, I thought, but I was always annoyed with myself for spending the money on these pretty expensive figures. On several occasions I thought of just throwing them all away, but never could quite bring myself to. So I'm thrilled they actually came in handy after all.
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