I see I'm not the only one who is greatly amused by Grubhub's ads, which are all over the NYC subway system. The artwork is definitely South Park-esque, and the design and copy is clever and/or wacky.
I wouldn't go quite as far as this blogger though, who has a post called The Semiotics of Grubhub.
But I did LOL when I saw this GH ad:
These office workers seem to be having a party in celebration of the fact that they can order burritos online, in all the classic office-worker ways - a tie headband, goofy dances and the ever-popular photocopy-your-butt, which the woman in the center is doing. It's just so dumb I had to laugh.
The sushi/s#!t ad is also a classic.
Well played, Grubhub. Although I still use delivery.com, mostly out of inertia.