I added my own original bits too, when I felt it was absolutely necessary - I hate it when people mess with a classic for no good reason - and was suprised, if gratified to discover that some of my bits got as many laughs as Twain's funny bits, like this one:
BOB: You reckon they’ll catch that runaway slave that killed that boy, what’s his name?
JOE: Whose name? The slave?
BOB: The boy. Crazy old Finn’s boy.
JOE: I don’t remember. Except it was a strange kind of name. It was some kind of fruit.
BOB: Some kind of fruit? Who would name a child after some kind of fruit?
JOE: I’m pretty sure it was some kind of fruit. Like “Crabapple.” Yeah, that sounds right. Crabapple Finn. His pappy’s a terrible drunk – maybe he was drunk when he named him. And now that old drunk’s gonna get all Crabapple’s money. Some people have all the luck.
While I was preparing to adapt the novel I recorded myself reading the entire novel (I was unemployed at the time.) here is my recording of the Emmaline section below: